a better job

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Results 61-70 from 44,798 articles

Be a Better Mama!

J.M. asks from Los Angeles

Ok major honesty here so please don't rip me apart. I have a hard time being really engaged when it comes to playing with my kids and I can't help but feel so guilty...


Looking for a "Work at Home" Job

A.D. asks from San Antonio

I'm a SAHM with three kids in school, and would really like to find a "work at home" job. There are so many "work at home" jobs listings, but I'm finding that many of...


Right Job Wrong Time

T.H. asks from Kansas City

I am seeking some advice. I am a WAHM and love it. My youngest will be 3 in August and the older kids are in school. I have an opportunity to apply for a job that pay...


Being a Better Steward...

S.M. asks from Kansas City

I was watching a message this last week about putting our financial house in order. This man is a business man, not really a pastor. But I would say that the messag...


For Better or Worse...

R.L. asks from Anchorage

I don't know where to begin. So pardon me if this seems scattered. I figured that I would get some advice from everyone since you all have given some great advice in ...


Which Do You Think Is Better?

L.L. asks from Orlando

Never allowing your daughter to see you have a drink (alcohol) and she knows stories about you being drunk ............. or having a couple drinks in front of your da...


Need to Do Better

W.E. asks from Phoenix

Hi We have a large family but are now down to our last 3. They are 16,14 and 12. I am really enjoying after many years of big family responsibilities just having th...


Teacher Job Fair Advice

R.S. asks from Dallas

Okay, so I am going to my first job fair (for teachers) this Saturday and would love to hear any sage advice from you educators out there who have been through it before!


Job Hunting and Expecting!

A.R. asks from Little Rock

Today I was laid off from a job that fit perfectly into my life. I am the mother to 3 great kids and am expecting #4 in May. I did plan on working up to my due date a...


Help Two Job Interviews?

R.D. asks from New York

Well this is my situation I have been looking for employment for months now and up until this week had no luck.I have aninterview on Saturday for one and Tuesday for ...

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Answer Highlights

  • dont remember my mom ever playing in 2 answers "But I too, don't remember my mom ever playing w/ me."
  • adult beverage in 3 answers "I have an adult beverage once in a while, and we always do at family functions."
  • totally out of debt in 2 answers "If you become a lawyer and win a few cases you'd be totally out of debt in a heart ..."
  • there is nothing wrong in 3 answers "... how to behave if they do not have a good representative?There is nothing wrong ..."
  • learn how to drink in 2 answers "I think it's important for them to learn how to drink socially."