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Results 201-210 from 44,798 articles

Have You Given up What You Have to Move to a Better School District?

G.L. asks from Portland

This is where we're at: Live in a lovely home with lots of room and a large mature yard. We're sad because of of our school district not delivering what we had ...


Need a Better Health Insurance Plan

D.S. asks from Chicago

Hi Moms, My husband is a consultant in a company of two people - him and his boss. The problem is that his employer does not provide health insurance. We current...


Babysitter or Daycare Center, Which Is Better Environment?

H.H. asks from Shreveport

I have a 3 year old who has had babysitter since he was 8 months old. She is like a grandmother to him and also watches 2 other children who are much younger than him...


Please Someone Tell Me It Will Get Better!

J.S. asks from Jacksonville

I have officially dubbed this month Black July, because seriously this has been the worst month. So far we have had My mother go through a Mastectomy for breast canc...


To Buy or Not to buy...a Bigger House in a Better Area.

T.D. asks from Sacramento

Hi Everyone. My husband and I have really good credit and we have qualified to purchase a bigger home in a better area, which is what we always wanted. We have wait...


Job Needed

N.C. asks from Dallas

I am a certified teacher but do not want to return to my current job in the fall. I am looking to work where I can also bring my 6 mo. old in August. Maybe a daycare?


Punishment for Lying After Doing Something They KNOW Better than to Do!!

R.D. asks from Richmond

Just caught my (almost angels) in lies. Both of my daughters, ages almost 6 and 7. They're GREAT kids and I never ever have this issue with them, but right now I'm PI...


Seconed Child guilt...will It Get Better??

J.P. asks from Phoenix

Hi ladies!! So my daughter is almost 8 and she has been my mini me!!! When I had her it was an unusual situation. I found out my ex hubby was having an affair when I ...


Need Some Stories to Make Me Feel Better!

K.L. asks from Washington DC

When I look at my problems I OFTEN think that really, my problems are small. I think about all the really bad things out there and try to put my own issues in perspe...


My Kids Are Driving Me Nuts, but I Want to Be a Better Mother!

G.T. asks from Boston

I go to bed every night swearing I'm going to be a better mom. I yell too much at my kids and I want to stop that. I have a 28 mos old who has hardly ever slept t...

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Answer Highlights

  • house go into foreclosure in 3 answers "... a new house with the consideration of letting your old house go into foreclosure?"
  • national association for the self in 2 answers "... are for the self employed such as the NASE. National Association for the Self ..."
  • health savings account in 2 answers "... was a major medical policy with a high deductible and a health savings account."
  • real estate attorney in 2 answers "Hi T., I would talk to a real estate attorney about the potential consequences if ..."
  • ruin your credit in 2 answers "Foreclosure would never cross our minds as it would ruin your credit for good."