a better job

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Results 101-110 from 44,798 articles

Getting a Job or Staying with My Daycare

A.A. asks from Washington DC

I own my own in home day care and right now I'm only watching two children and that's not enough I need the money. I was thinking about getting a job and stopping the...


If You Have Moved--not Related to Job Change

L.T. asks from Houston

We have been in our house for 17 years and bought it right after we were married. I am itching for something different and we live in Texas where real estate is relat...


Job Delimma; What Is Your Perspective?

L.S. asks from Los Angeles

Hello Moms, I've applied for 3 different jobs at the university that I work at currently. One job I really, really want and it is a good fit for me and my skill set...


Job Offer! Yipee! Oh No! What to Do?

E.T. asks from Albuquerque

I left a job I'd been at in May (they were consolidating and I would have had to move across country). Since then I've been home with my four year old twins. I have b...


Talk Me Out of Quitting My Job - Update

T.K. asks from Dallas

Some of you read that I am fed up with my job and my hateful boss. I have a plan in place. I am tying up all my loose ends at work. Completing all my open tasks, e...


Question About Taking a Seasonal Job

F.D. asks from New York

I accepted a customer service position that starts in a few weeks and could last through December. During the interview they asked me if there were any other positio...


I Lost the New Job

H.M. asks from Denver

So - I haven't been on here in a while and one of the reasons was I got a new job. Well - after 30 days they decided it wasn't working out and I am now unemployed. ...


Husband's Job Stolen!

L.L. asks from Fort Myers

This is kinda long and involved and I can't say too much but basically this is it. This guy named "Joe" works with my husband and they were hired at the same time .Jo...


Can't Decide If I Should Keep My Job

B.R. asks from Detroit

After much back and forth debate my husband told me that it would be okay if I quiet my job and go back to school for a second degree in speech therapy. I'm pretty m...


Help! Need Job Asap.

C.A. asks from Chicago

Hello to all the moms out there. I am trying to return back to work after about 3 1/2 years. I was raising my daughter and now I am recently divorced and need to fi...

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