a bad wife

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Results 21-30 from 12,336 articles

Question for a Friend - His Wife Won't Listen

S.J. asks from St. Louis

My husband's friend was over the other night without his wife. He mentioned to us that his wife never listens to him - for ex, he will tell her he is going someplace...


Meeting Ex's New Wife

T.H. asks from Dallas

My ex remarried over the weekend and I will be meeting his new wife for the first time on Thursday. My ex and I share joint custody of our two younger daughters (wee...


irAre You Are Stepford Wife? Jff

J.L. asks from Los Angeles

I dropped my eldest off this morning, and noticed other moms dropping their kids off as well. Most of them were perfectly put together. Beautiful clothes, heels, ha...


Not a Good Enough Wife

S.D. asks from Topeka

Ok ladies we all have been in relationships & are raising our children or grandchildren.I have 3 kid's that need me every minute of the day & nite (seem's like it)the...


What to Do with My Husband's Ex Wife?

L.M. asks from Sherman

I've been miersable for 6 years putting up with my husband's ex wife. I have 2 stepsons now 14 and 9 year olds. Everytime they come for the summer, hoildays to visit...


Ex Wife and My Home and Property

C.A. asks from Dallas

Hi Moms.. Looking for advice...I hope no one has ever had to deal with this before, but here goes. This past weekend was my husbands regular, scheduled visitation we...


How to Deal with Ex Wife???

D.M. asks from Sacramento

Hello my name is D., I am newly married. The ex wife of my husband is a very rude person. I have encountered many different situations with this lady. You can not cal...


How to Deal with Boyfriends Ex Wife?

S.T. asks from Charlotte

My boyfriend of 2 years has an ex wife ( who he was only spent a year with total the woman got pregnant the first night they knew each other ) and the child is now a...


Am I Wrong Here? Situation with My Brother and His Wife

L.U. asks from Seattle

I normally don't ask family questions, but this happened over the weekend and I am feeling a bit put out. A little background. I am the oldest of 5 kids. I have 4 ...


Meeting X-wife

M.B. asks from Houston

Ok. So I've been dating this guy for a while. I'm a single mom and my daughter's father is 100% absent. My boyfriend has a 4 and a half year old little boy. Our ch...

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Answer Highlights

  • your boyfriends ex wife in 2 answers "You are not required to cultivate a relationship with your boyfriend's ex-wife - unless ..."
  • file a police report in 5 answers "I would file a police report. This is a grown woman who should know better--AND ..."
  • set your own boundaries in 2 answers "... relationship with his ex-wife, then you might want to set your own boundaries ..."
  • your relationship with your boyfriend in 3 answers "... but don't let her, stand firm on that. Your relationship with your boyfriend ..."
  • his ex wife in 8 answers "I was called every name in the book from his ex wife."