I have always bought big for my grandson on all occassions. He is my only grandson and I will not have anymore. I don't do it cause I have to ...it's because I enjo...
Interesting feedback. Yes I could imagine that unstable life is a factor in some stories. In this case no. I'm self employed and maintained that so that I could be th...
I just became a single mom and it's been somewhat tight on my pocket because although I am supposed to be getting child support...well I'm not! He is too broke and I...
I have a toddler (26 months) with strong white teeth, but with a bad breath. I brush his teeth twice a day, but the bad breath stays. Is there anything I can do ...
We are in Texas in a pretty strict school. My son needed to on a level I this year in order to pass on to second grade. A little background information; He struggle...
My friends children have taught my 2 yeat old how to say bad words and eat his boogies. I have tried spanking and time out. Nothing seems to work. He goes a few days ...
My son Lucas, 4 years old, has bad breath all the time. I brush his teeth like 2-3 times a day and it always comes back with in 1 hour. Does anyone have any answers w...
What one thing do you wish your husband or significant other did for you that they do not? Or that they don't do often enough?
This could be physical, emotional, ...
Has any of you women had a bad hair cut before that is beyond repair until it grows out? If so how did u deal with it with out it breaking your confidence?