8 month old biting

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Toddler Biting

L.K. asks from Chicago

Any of you have a biter AND something that has made him or her STOP??? My son is 2 yrs 4 mo old and bites. He bites when happy and excited and bites when he is mad....


8 Mo. Old Biting After Every Nursing

M.M. asks from Las Cruces

For about two to two and a half weeks my 8 mo. has been biting down after nursing. I breastfeed on one breast and it is like his little signal that "excuse me but th...


Biting at Daycare

D.C. asks from Burlington

I'm looking for some feedback....My daughter has been attending the same daycare center since she was 9 weeks old. A few months ago a new child joined the group of to...


Biting During Nursing

K.N. asks from New York

Hello Moms, My 7 month old is getting her two lower middle teeth and bit me today while I was nursing her. It wasn't an intentional bite - she looked at me and sm...


8 Month Old Biting While Nursing

M.A. asks from Pittsburgh

I was so happy when my son got his first tooth. Finally there was progress after agonizing months of teething. Of course it's natural for him to want to use the new...


8 Month Old Biting Baby Bottle Nipples

C.C. asks from Lewiston

Hi i was wondering if anyone has any ideas on what to do with a 8 month old biting thru his bottle nipples. He only has 2 bottom teeth (razor sharp) and i am noticing...


NURSING MOMS HELP!! My 8 Month Old Is Biting Me, I Don't Know What to Do!!!

L.M. asks from New York

Hi, it's my third child, I only nursed my first two a few months, no teeth were in the mix. My 8 month old son has his 2 bottom teeth and he is now biting me, HARD. I...


Seeking Advice on Biting

C.F. asks from Yuba City

my daughter is 8 months old and is biting people. she has drawn blood a few times when she bit me and has bruised her sitter from biting. what should i do?


21 Month Old Has Started Biting and Slapping

C.O. asks from Corvallis

My 21 month old daughter has starting experimenting with biting and slapping. The slapping has been going on for a bit now. She doesn't slap other kids but when she...


14 Month Old Biting Others

S.B. asks from Minneapolis

Hello Everyone~ I have a 14 month old daughter who is normally very happy and well behaved at home and at daycare. In the last 2 days, however, she has bitten the d...

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Answer Highlights

  • take him off the breast in 2 answers "Whenever he does it, say no and take him off the breast for a minute."
  • time for sippy cups in 2 answers "My suggestion is get rid of the bottles its time for sippy cups."
  • dont bite or hit in 2 answers "I would add, "We don't bite or hit to solve problems, we use words." At her age ..."
  • leche league in 2 answers "I needed to work with some experienced moms (love the La Leche League group in Lehigh ..."
  • full set of teeth in 2 answers "... and I think that was the rest of the 5 count I had, she had a full set of teeth ..."