5 month old fighting sleep

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My Son Won't Sleep

A.A. asks from Los Angeles

Can anyone help me with some advice my son is 13 months old and he can't seem to fall asleep at the right time I've tried everything he's been going to sleep around o...


Getting 3 Month Old Twins to Sleep

A.C. asks from Johnstown

I have 3 month old twins that both love to fight going to sleep. My son is easier to get to sleep, but my daughter fights it to the bitter end. Once they are alseep...


5 Month Old Not Sleeping Through the Night

A.J. asks from Dallas

My little girl will only sleep through the night once every blue moon. I get up to breastfeed her usually when she starts crying between 1-5am. I feed her quite a b...


Need Some Input on Putting to Sleep 12 Month Old

J.K. asks from Lynchburg

I have a little girl who just turned one. Up to this month I have always rocked my little girl to sleep. I have gotten a little flack for continuing this for so long,...


Impossible to Establish Sleep Routine for My 3 Month Old - Help!!

Y.H. asks from Chicago

EDIT TO ORIGINAL REQUEST: Hi everyone - just wanted to clarify that I have NOT tried the "cry it out" method (going in every 5,10, 15 min like Ferber says. Right n...


Need Help Getting 11 Month Old to Sleep for Naps

E.A. asks from Salt Lake City

HELP!! After a miserable winter of sickness, I finally feel my 11 month old daughter is ready and well enough to be put down for naps awake. With my first (6 year o...


Sleep Advice

K.M. asks from Los Angeles

I am so frustrated and need some advice! My baby girl is 16 months old. She used be be a GREAT sleeper! (Always slept thru the night, took 2 - 3 hour naps...) Now...


16 Month Old Now Won't Sleep Through Night Without Nursing

K.O. asks from Chicago

I have a 16 month old daughter who for months now has been waking up in the night and won't go back to into her crib, so we started bringing her into our bed. We have...


Sleep Schedule

J.S. asks from Washington DC

My son is 2 months old and I would like to try and get him on some kind of schedule before I return back to work the end of next month. Does anyone have advice on how...


10 Month Old Sleep Issues - Help!

E.F. asks from Washington DC

I don't know if I will get any advice different from what I've read in all my books and videos, but thought I'd give it a shot & see if anyone out there can help me. ...

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