I breastfed both of my boys until 14 months. You may not mind her sleeping in your bed now, but believe me if you do not break the habit, she will be coming in there at 5 years old. I made the same mistake, and now my 5 year old comes in our room every night. My younger son who is 3, mostly sleeps through the night. Once and a while he does wake up and I am so tired that I bring him into bed. However, when he was little(like at 1 year) he was waking in the middle of the night to nurse. He then unfortunately caught the stomach flu and every time he nursed at night, I would lay him down and then he would wake up and get sick. I was forced to wean him for the night feeding. It was very hard to do but necessary. I felt horrible. I would suggest, going in and rubbing her back to try to get her to fall back asleep when she wakes in the night, or give her a sippy cup of water. It is really important when she goes to bed at night that she learns how to put herself to sleep...no rocking, nursing etc. We started a routine(teeth brushed, book, prayer, sleep), and I did have to stay next to the crib and rub his back, but eventually he would fall asleep. Now, he asks to go to his crib when he is tired. Falling asleep on their own is totally a learned behavior. They have to teach themselves how to relax etc. Start now so you don't always have to share your bed. Good Luck!!!!