5 month old fighting sleep

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Results 71-80 from 2,936 articles

8 Month Old Will Not Sleep

M.W. asks from Seattle

I am going insane. My little girl will not sleep. At first I didn't want to let her cry, doing the no cry sleep solution and doing everything I could to get her to ...


5 Month Old Sleeping Problems! PLEASE HELP

B.L. asks from Dallas

Hello all, our 5 month old baby has recently gotten into a terrible sleeping problem - or shall I say, lack there of. She is waking up 3,4 sometimes 5 times a nig...


Help! 5 Month Old Not Sleeping Thru Night

C.K. asks from New York

My baby girl is 5 months old. She will be 6 months on November 22. Up until one month ago, she was sleeping 8 hours straight thru the night ( i know...i was very luck...


Seeking Help and Advice for a 5 Yr Old Who Will Not Sleep in His Own Bed!!!!!!

A.D. asks from Davenport

My son will actually be 5 in a month in half.I have tried and tried to get my son to sleep in his own bed, and I always end up giving in after awhile cause he will st...


How Do I Get Him to Sleep on His Own?

M.T. asks from Portland

Our 8 month old just recently starting really fighting us when we transfer him from our laps to his crib for naptime or bedtime. Our routine is always nurse, sing/re...


Is My Husband Right? Creating Bad Sleep Habits in 5 Y/o

D.P. asks from Los Angeles

How many hours does your 5-6 year old sleep at night? My 5 ½ y/o sleeps about 11 hrs a night, but my husband thinks my son is in the minority and most kids his age ...


Seeking Advise on How to Get 4 Month Old to Sleep in His Crib

J.O. asks from Wichita Falls

I need some advise on how to get my 4 month old out of our bed and into his own all night. Here is the situation I am in. My 4 month old will go to sleep for the ni...


My 5 Year Old Is Out of Controll

L.S. asks from Boston

I have a 5 year old son and a 6mos old baby boy. My 5 year old has been acting out so much that I don't know what to do! It started about 2 months before I had the b...


Sleep or Lack There Of

J.M. asks from Dover

My daughter is 21 months old. For the past 2 weeks she has been waking up at 3 or 4 in the AM. I have gone in and offered her a drink, put her back to bed and she j...


7 Month Old Cries in Her Sleep

W.D. asks from Los Angeles

My seven month old cries in her sleep. She is super chill during the day and she goes to bed easily. She has slept through the night a few times. But now she cries in...

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Answer Highlights

  • sleeps about 10 11 hours in 2 answers "... they have to share a room :-). My son is six and sleeps about 10-11 hours ..."
  • will eventually go to sleep in 2 answers "... think if it works for you then keep doing it your on will eventually go to sleep ..."
  • his stuffed animals in 2 answers "I have some of his stuffed animals say night night too."
  • probably night terrors in 2 answers "... and is screaming and flailing around for no reason, it's probably night terrors."
  • just let him cry in 2 answers "i would just let him cry himself to sleep."