5 month old fighting sleep

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5-Yr-old Back Talk and Hitting

B.L. asks from Chicago

My (usually well-behaved) 5-yr-old daughter has become very sassy with me (SAHM) in recent months. When I request her to do something, she often has a response, a neg...


At What Age Did Your Child Sleep Through the Night?

C.M. asks from St. Louis

Hey everyone!! I have a 22 month old daughter who has gone through varying degrees of sleep throughout her life. When small and breastfeeding, she'd wake and eat ever...


8 Month Old Teething?

M.V. asks from Richmond

My daughter is a little over 8 months old and still no teeth. For the past two days though she has been showing some of the "traditional" signs of teething- putting ...


4 Month Old with a Cold

A.C. asks from Allentown

My 2 year has only had 2 colds in his life. His first one wasn't until he was 1 year old. So now that my 4 month old has a cold I am not experienced at dealing with...


What Extra-curriculars for a 5 Year Old Boy?

C.S. asks from Miami

When my son was two, we did mommy and me classes and swim lessons. When he went to preschool, we did soccer and t-ball. Now he is 5.5 years old and in kindergarten....


Help! My Kids Won't Go to Sleep!

K.H. asks from Dallas

I have a 4.5 year old and a 3 year old boy. They are great kids... super sweet and smart! We moved them into a room together about a month ago. We also have an alm...


Wean 18 Month Old

E.J. asks from Phoenix

I would really like to wean my 18 month old boy. He is getting mean and violent if I don't offer at his demand. I am not kidding, if he is trying to lift my shirt f...


4.5 Month Old Won't Nap on Her Own

J.R. asks from San Francisco

She's been like this pretty much from the beginning - she fights sleep all day and I can only get her to nap if I swaddle her, hold a pacifier in her mouth and rock h...


Sleep Advice for Premature Infant

S.S. asks from New York

My premature infant (18 weeks old, 8 weeks past due date) will only sleep in my husband and my arms or in the bed next to us. We try to put him down for naps, but he ...


Can't Get My 4.5 Month Old to Sleep Longer than 20-45 Minute Naps

M.M. asks from Jamestown

My baby has had a hard time sleeping since birth. She was colicky, but now is much better. I have let her cry it out for naps for 3 weeks and she still won't sleep ...

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