5 month old fighting sleep

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5 Year Old Cant Stay Out of Trouble!

B.C. asks from Fresno

My DS is 5 and has started kinder i have been having so much trouble this year with him and im at a loss i have tried everything when it comes to discipline and im ju...


What Age Should They Be Going to Sleep on Their Own?

T.M. asks from Lincoln

My daughter will be 6 at the end of this month. Regardless of what i do she will not lay down to go to sleep by herself. My friend's daughter started to go to sleep o...


Eat and Sleep Routines

M.B. asks from Atlanta

Hi ladies. I am stuggling lately with a consistent routine for my 5 and 1/2 month old little girl. We were on a very predictable routine until around 3 months which...


Letting Infant Sleep on Tummy

B.D. asks from Dallas

I know that because of SIDS the AAP and other organizations/doctors recommend almost always putting your baby to sleep on their back, except in extreme cases of reflu...


Sleep Patterns Changing

A.M. asks from Boston

I was hoping for some advice on sleep schedules. My 3 yr old is starting to wake at 5:30am or 6am and does not go to sleep until about 8/8:30pm. I put him down for...


Toddler Getting Enough Sleep?

D.C. asks from Raleigh

Hi moms! I'm hoping someone has some advice for me. My youngest son is about 21 months old. When we stopped giving him a bottle (about a month ago), we've been hav...


Help with Sleep Issues

J.S. asks from New York

My 1 yr old DD has never been a good sleeper. We got a much needed break from middle of the night wakings from about 9-11 months where she was going to bed at 7pm an...


Daytime Sleep and Fussiness

A.M. asks from Buffalo

Hello all. Our little girl is now 8 weeks. We have been forumla feeding since week 2 due to complications. We have her on Nestle Goodstart with Omega. Our pro...


Still Rocking My Baby to Sleep at 9 Months Old

A.B. asks from New York

I'm currently still rocking my little one to sleep - she's 9 months old. At 4 or 5 months we started getting her to sleep on her own in her crib, by lying her down an...


9 Month Old NOT NAPPING!

J.P. asks from Washington DC

I have tried everything I can think of to get my 9 month old daughter to nap in her crib. I've put her down awake, alseep and am now currently on day 12 of letting he...

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