5 month old fighting sleep

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Need Some Advice to Get My Eight Month Old to Sleep Through the Night

R.L. asks from Lansing

Ok, a little background first. My daughter was sleeping through the night only waking once at four months of age. She got thrown off when we went up to the lake for...


Need Help with 18M0 Old Who Will Not Sleep!!!!

S.Z. asks from San Luis Obispo

18 mo.old son does not sleep! He is my middle child. I also have a 5 yr. old; 12 yr.old and almost 4 mo. old. So this little guy is used to being the "baby". but ...


Advice on Sleep Issues

S.S. asks from Kansas City

I need advice. When my son was a newborn (his daddy ran off) I had a one bedroom apartment, so his crib was in my room. In the middle of the night when he'd wake up...


Almost 5 Year Old and Leaving House

J.G. asks from Chicago

For about a month now, my soon to be 5 year old has taken her dawdling to a new level and has turned leaving the house into a power struggle. I signed both kids up f...


2 Week Old and Sleep Issues

S.K. asks from Minneapolis

Hello! My 2 week old DS prefers to sleep in his bouncy seat at night rather than his bassient. He also sleeps better during the day in his car seat than his crib or P...


Is My 5 Week Old Getting Enough Milk

C.J. asks from Dallas

My 5 week old son has been doing fine with breast feeding. He usually nurses for 45 minutes to an hour as he's a nap/feeder. But when he's full he pulls off on his ow...


Sleep Regression in 2.5 Year Old?

J.W. asks from Panama City

My daughter is 2.5 years old - will be 3 at the end of July. She has always been a really good sleeper - started sleeping through the night at 7 - 8 weeks old. She ...


Need to Go Back to Sleep!!

K.W. asks from Bakersfield

My almost 3 month old boy was sleeping from about 9 to 5 before waking up to eat, then back to sleep until 8:30. Recently he started waking up anywhere from 1 to 3 an...


My 2Yr Old Daughter Wont Sleep in Her Bed

L.F. asks from Toledo

My 2yr old daughter lately has only been wantng to sleep in my bed. The only way I get her to sleep in her own bed is if she falls asleep before she goes to bed. Du...


1 Year Old Screaming for an Hour Before Going to Sleep at Night

T.R. asks from St. Louis

My daughter (13 months old) is really fighting going to sleep at night. She screamed for almost an 1 1/2 hours last night before I finally got her to sleep. She has b...

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