5 month old fighting sleep

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Results 131-140 from 2,936 articles

Help My 3 1/2 Month Old Son Has Had a Major Sleep Set Back

K.K. asks from Minneapolis

My 3 1/2 month old son was a very great sleeper from the beginning. He quickly slept as much as 7 hours at night with out waking. It was great. About 2 to 3 weeks ...


How Do I Get My 4 1/2 Month Old Son to Sleep Thru the night..or Something Close?

G.D. asks from Stockton

My 4 1/2 month old son has never slept thru the night. He goes to sleep pretty easily to start with. A few months ago I started putting him to bed each night at the...


My 2 Year Old Doesn't Want to Sleep

M.R. asks from Dallas

My 2 1/2 year old recently transitioned to a toddler bed b/c he was climbing out of his crib. He's been waking up between 5:00 and 6:00 am every day for the last 2 w...


Changing Sleep Issues from 4 1/2 Month Old Son

M.B. asks from Denver

My son is almost 5 mos old. He sleeps well at night....9 hours. I have tried to stick to a concrete nap schedule during the day. He is exclusively breast fed since...


5 Yr Old Still Peeing Pants

B.M. asks from Minneapolis

My 5 yr old is about to start Kg. and he is still having day accidents. We have tried everything we can think of. Any help would be great! Thanks.



C.K. asks from Gainesville

Ok Im new to the whole mother thing. My son is three months old. He is great but is still waking up during the night. I work full time and Im losing my mind. He doesn...


Help! My 7 Month Old Won't Sleep Without a Paci and Is up Every 15 to 30 Min!

S.N. asks from Dallas

Hello ladies, My family truly needs some feedback on what to do in this sleepless situation. My 7 month old has had sleeping problems since birth. She would only...


5 Mo with Cold. What Can I Do for Her?

C.F. asks from New York

I am in misery. My 5 mo has a cold, runny nose, stuffy head, the works, and I can't give her any medicine to dry her up. She can't sleep well at all because she keeps...


7 Month Old Crawling Milestone Development and Sleep Regression Help :)

C.R. asks from Cincinnati

My Sweet 7 month old baby boy just started crawling last week and with that great milestone came the sleep regression. He's been a Fantastic sleeper for a few months ...


10 Month Old Son Still Does Not Sleep Through the Night. Very Sleep Deprived!

D.T. asks from Los Angeles

Since my son was born 10 months ago he has never slept through the night. He still wakes up about 3-4 times a night crying. I don't know how to break this habit. I'm ...

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Answer Highlights

  • no cry sleep solution in 3 answers "... you read a couple books to help you along - I've heard the No-Cry Sleep Solution ..."
  • use saline drops in 3 answers "As for the baby, keep giving plenty of fluids and use saline drops for her nose before ..."
  • didnt sleep through the night in 4 answers "unfortunately my daughter didn't sleep through the night until she was about 12 months ..."
  • little noses saline in 2 answers "Try Little Noses saline nasal mist."
  • waking up once is normal in 2 answers "I don't even think bottle feed ones do. Waking up once is normal."