5 month old fighting sleep

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Seeking Help with 4 Week Old Fighting Transition into Crib...

S.R. asks from Monroe

Hi All, I need any tips you can give me on how to get a 4 week old to sleep in her crib. She only last for 15 min. to 1 hour. I have put a pillow in the crib so ...


Sleep Problems

G.W. asks from Los Angeles

My 21 month old daughter has been a good sleeper for some time & gave up the bottle without any fuss around 14 months. She has never had any other comfort items, alt...


My 10Yr Old Won't Sleep Alone!

S.S. asks from Harrisburg

I have a 10yr old son who is scared to sleep in his own room. This has been going on for the last several years. I can't figure out what the problem is. I have tried ...


Desparate for Sleep

L.M. asks from Chicago

I am a stay at home mom to a beautiful 17 month old daughter. My husband and I have had a rocky year and a half when it comes to putting our daughter to bed. Things f...


Sleep Deprived

D.T. asks from Lakeland

I need a little advice on how to get my soon to be 8 month old son to sleep through the night. I guess you can say I was spoiled by my firstborn. She started sleepi...


How Do I Get Sleep?

K.F. asks from Tampa

I work a night shift (11p-7a) and my husband works days so we do not have to put our 6 month old daughter in daycare. My problem is that I'm having a really hard time...


Sleep Help

D.D. asks from Sarasota

After a rough few days, I got my 10 month old son to be able to get to sleep on his own and finally sleep through the night with the Ferber method. In the meantime, ...


Almost 5 Month Old Not Sleeping Well, Short Naps and a Lot of Night Waking

M.H. asks from Las Vegas

Hello, My son will be 5 months old on Saturday. Starting last weekend he has been having a hard time falling asleep and staying asleep. I lay him down when he is...


To Sleep Together or Not to Sleep Together?

N.M. asks from Los Angeles

My daughter is 15 months and we will be welcoming a second little girl into the family in mid-March 2012 (making them 18 months apart). At present, we have 4 rooms i...


My 10 Month Old Will Not Go to Sleep on Her Own

B.A. asks from Davenport

I am not complaining. I love the closeness I feel rocking her to sleep or on some nights having her sleep with me so I can get a decent nights sleep. The problem is I...

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