4 month old baby won t nap

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Results 51-60 from 242 articles

Crying 2 Year Old

L.M. asks from Salt Lake City

My 2 1/2 year old has always been a pretty happy, but reserved little kid. She's always been a little clingy, and I understand the need for extra parental time, bein...


8 Hr Plane Ride W a One Yr Old!!!!

M.D. asks from Minneapolis

We're going on a family vacation next month (our first ever) with my parents, and my brother and his girlfriend. We have the opportunity to go to Kauai, HI for cheap...


Indecisive 2 Year Old

J.C. asks from Clarksville

I have a 25 month old that has been absolutely indecisive today. He doesn't say "no", but he says what he wants (and always something within reason) like "I want to ...


Need Help with 22 Month Olds Wacky Bed Time Routine!!

T.L. asks from Houston

Well my youngest daughter has began to do some wacky things going to bed and all through the night. She got sick a few months back with Strep and since then she has g...


Going Out of Town, Should I Leave My Baby or Take Him?

A.W. asks from Houston

My cousin invited me & my son (10 mos) to go to a resort for Memorial Day weekend. Some other friends are going & it sounds like fun! My mother-in-law offered to ke...


My 3 Year Old

C.S. asks from Spartanburg

I'm having a couple problems with my 3 year old, the most important problem is his speech. He doesn't talk half as well as other children his age,the first year and a...


My Kid Old Enough to Go to Disney Land

G.H. asks from Salt Lake City

I received a free trip to Californya for going to a time share presentation. I have a son who is 9 months old right now but will be almost a year and a half old by t...


TOO Much Milk for a 1 Year Old?

G.M. asks from San Francisco

Hello, I was wondering if it's possible for a 1 year old to have TOO much milk? We just recently had Lilia's 12 month appt., and her pediatrician not only said to...


How to Potty Train 3 Year Old Who Pees or Poops in Anything He Wears

M.G. asks from Los Angeles

I know you guys must be tired of seeing another potty-related question, but I’m starting to get desperate. My son turned 3 in March and since then has learned to pe...


How Do I Keep My 3 Year Old in Bed at Night?

K.M. asks from Jacksonville

I put my 3 year old son to bed at 8:30pm each night. I use to lay down with him in his bed until he fell asleep then I would get up. He slept all night, usually, if h...

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