Ever since i was pregnant, i've had the problem that my jeans slide down cause I have a very small butt/legs, but have a "spare tire", "love handles", "muffin top" (s...
Dear Moms,
Every mom has a baby story--from finding out they are pregnant to the actual birth and beyond. These are wonderful, bonding stories, both funny and dra...
Has anyone else out there injurred their sciatic nerve during pregnancy/labor/delivery? When I gave birth to my now 6-month-old daughter, my leg was left numbish and...
I am concerned on how long after getting my Mirena IUD removed should I wait to try to conceive? I have heard that it takes 2 to 3 normal cycles for the uterus lining...
I gave birth to a new baby girl on September 30th. I was not swollen before or during labor. After 4 days (3 were spent in the hospital) my legs, ankles, and feet are...
My son was born this past March and he was 9 lbs. 4 oz. After a few months, I noticed my tailbone continued to be sore, especially when sitting. My doctor mentioned...
Hi Ladies!
Could any of you share your experiences with getting your labors induced? I'm 7 days overdue today and my doctors want to induce me tomorrow morning. I wa...
Hello all, just want to know what you ladies think of this. I have gone my entire life thinking that my blood type is O+, and no doctor has ever told me otherwise. ...