1 cm dilated 50 effaced

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Results 51-60 from 69 articles

Should I Get an Induction?

R.A. asks from Wausau

So for all that have not read my previous post I am starting to show a ton of signs of labor and then NOTHING!! Well now I am at a stand still 75% efaced and 1 1/2c d...


Induce Early?

D.P. asks from Minneapolis

My doctor is on vacation when I am due (day before Thanksgiving). So she offered up that she would induce me if I wanted the Friday before, which would be 5 days bef...


At What Time of Day Did You Go into Labor on Your Own (Not Induced)

L.F. asks from Dallas

I'm almost 38 weeks pregnant so going into labor is on my mind constantly. When I had my DD at 36 weeks my water broke at 1:00 a.m. I had gotten up to use the restro...


Fetal Fibronectin Test

S.F. asks from Chico

My name is S. I am 23 weeks pregnant with my second child due in Nov. I am considered at high risk for a preterm birth because my first son was born preterm. I am c...


Second Time Births

K.L. asks from Dallas

Hi Mom's. It's been awhile since I've been on MamaSource and I am so glad to be back. My question is this.....I am due with my second baby in December. I am havi...


Seeking Birth Information About Epidurals

L.H. asks from Dallas

I am trying to do some research on natural childbirth. In my experience as a doula, I have found that the mother's who ask for an epidural, usually do so at 4cm, Th...


Pros and Cons of Being Induced.

J.B. asks from Nashville

My doc wants to induce me at 39 weeks (my second pregnancy.) I had raised glucose for one test (they did 3) but did not actually get the Gestational Diabetes diagnosi...


Iducing Labor

K.B. asks from Huntsville

Hi, I'm new here and just wanted to share with everyone that I'm going to be induced this Monday a little after midnight. Has anyone else been induced? Any pros and c...


Getting Induced...Questions!!

K.E. asks from Dallas

Hey guys! I am scheduled to be induced May 8th, and I'm really nervous about everything. I'm trying to find out as much as I can about being induced so I can atleast ...


What Does It Feel like When Your Water Breaks?

A.F. asks from Fayetteville

Now my water hasn't broken yet, although I wish it had already. lol I am 37 weeks pregnant with my first baby and I was just curious as to know what other mom's exper...

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