Warts: Infant

Results 151-160 from 202 articles

Health Insurance Deductible Amount

M.M. asks from Detroit

Hi there, I left my job to work for my husband's company; now we are getting our own health insurance independently. My question is about the deductible amount. We'r...


Newborn Spitting up Problems

L.B. asks from Denver

I have a 3 month old son who is still spitting up A LOT! We have tried all of the formulas for infants who spit up and nothing seems to be working. He is also very ...


Dealing with a Mother-in-law Who Knows Everything

S.H. asks from Nashville

I recently returned to work after having my first child. Fortunately, my mother and mother-in-law are both retired and have agreed to each babysit a few days per week...


Any Suggestions on How to Treat Molluscum?

S.S. asks from Chicago

My daughter has Molluscum on the back of her leg and it's starting to spread to the front. The doctor told me in August to leave it alone (she is 3) and it should go...


Ear Piercing for 5 Month Old

J.F. asks from Chicago

I'm going to get my daughter's ears pierced. This is something new for me, so I would love some advice. Where did you go to get your daughter's ears pierced?


Need Gift Ideas for White Elephant Gift Exchange

S.S. asks from Dallas

So we're spending Christmas Eve with my husband's family and they're doing White Elephant so there doesn't have to be a whole lot of money spent. There's a $20 limit...


Pregnant Mother with Anxiety and Panic Disorder

M.H. asks from Kansas City

I am pregnant with my first child, though a surprise, a blessing! I have dealt with anxiety and panic dosorder for most of my life and am wondering if anyone else ...


10 Month Old with BAD Diarrhea PLEASE HELP!!

C.K. asks from Fort Myers

Okay last week I posted that my daughter has a bad diaper rash. That has cleared up for the most part (it is now at least under control) but a day after I went to the...


Butt Pimple???

S.J. asks from Jackson

My 2 year old daughter has a large red bump on her butt with a white head. When I wash it or put neosporin on it she pulls away and says it hurts. Of course I googled...


15 Month Old Wont Sleep alone...uses Me as pacifier...hates Everyone Except Us

T.M. asks from Toledo

okay so i know its partially my fault. in my attempts to get sleep, i initially slept with my newborn on me..near me...whatever it took to make him happy enough to s...