I am a stay at home mom of a 6 month old son. For some odd reason we keep getting colds. They will go away and once we think they are gone for good, they come right ...
My 6 week old has had excessive mucos in his nose and throat which has been causing him to gag for the past 4 weeks. He drinks 4 oz every 2 hours, he does not make it...
I am dealing with a situation that is not improving and would like to get some advice from moms with similar problem.
I was a stay-home mom until our son turned 4.5 ...
My three year old has had his adnoids removed and tubes in his ears. We matter of fact just went to the ENT for a checkup not so long ago. At that time I told him t...
I posted a question about my little one (17 months) being sick on Friday......we it got worse Friday night and he ran a 101.4 fever all night....we did tylenol. He ke...
Hey there, fellow parents!
My 3.5 year-old son has viral-induced asthma - only exhibits asthma symptoms when he gets a cold/upper-respiratory infection/virus.
My 4 month old has really put me through the ringer the last couple of days. He started out vomiting on Thursday. After 2 trips to the doctor (Thursday and Friday) ...
What do you do for a 2 year old with a really bad cough. Well actually, the cough itself is not that bad or that frequent. It's just that my son will gag from I gue...
My son has had a cough and runny nose(currently clear, green/yellow in past). I have taken him to the DR only for them to say I have to deal with it in simpler terms...
hi i have a 3 year old and my son just wont stop caughing and he has a runny nose ive trid the tylonole and ib propherin but nothing seems to work his cough is worse ...