Vaccines: First Response

13 answers

I Feel like My Son Is Bored with Me..

I am a SAHM to a 20 month old ( active) boy...he always wants to watch choo choo's( thomas the train)...i'm not a HUGE fan of the TV, but thats what keep him content..i dont allow too much..but i feel like 2 hours is alot a day! He LOVES to be outside...but the park is only fun for so long..( not to mention..germ filled) its not the nicest weather now either.. and i am 20 weeks pregnant..and i get tired easily... I am open to suggestions on what to do with him..we can only read so many books,color, put so many puzzles together..and i only...

For Children

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51 answers

Flu Shots?? Do We Do Them on Our Children or Not?

I would love to hear opinions on flu shots and kids. I am vehemently opposed to doing it to myself due to such severe illnesses on the years I did get the shot. My husband says no because he doesn't trust them either. Our doctors want all our kids to have them. What do we do? I feel like I loose either way in this if they get a severe case of the flu. As for my kids, they are all healthy, active, and they do get the flu each year, just manageable cases of it. But these new flu strains are quite scary. Any input would be great!


Shots for Infant

I just took my Son to have his 2 month shots on Monday. He had the worse...