Trying to Conceive

Results 371-380 from 2,471 articles

Is It Possible to Become Pregnant After Tubiligation?

L.D. asks from Chicago

I had a tubiligation back in Aug of 1999 due to medical complications at the time, I didn't really have much of a choice. Well I'm now engage to wonderful man and he...


Getting Pregnant While Breastfeeding

C.G. asks from Washington DC

My husband and I are so fortunate to have a beautiful little girl who is 9 months old. I am breastfeeding her but we would like to get pregnant again. Our daughter ...


I'm Pregnant and Need Advice

D.W. asks from Dallas

Hello ladies, I just found out I'm pregnant. I am so thrilled. God has answered my prayers. I took a pregnancy test and I'm sure. However, I am so scared to tel...


Antibiotics and Pregnant--maybe

A.V. asks from Los Angeles

Sorry ahead of time for the TMI. On Oct. 10th I began suffering from nausea that did not let up. Considering I have bee trying to get pregnant I tok a test on th 13th...


Think I'm Pregnant

C.W. asks from San Angelo

Hi everyone, My husband and I have been married about 10 months and decided that I should get off birth control. I've been off for about 4 months. (We heard it coul...


Getting Pregnant with PCOS

M.J. asks from Huntington

I saw some posts here about PCOS and getting pregnant!! I was diagnosed with PCOS about 4 months back, the very reason for my irregular periods!! I have been on ferti...


Getting Pregnant After a Miscarriage

B.B. asks from Chicago

I had a miscarriage over the summer when I was about 8 weeks along. My husband and I heard the heartbeat at 6 weeks, but then I got really sick and found out I have H...


Having a Tooth Pulled While 33Weeks Pregnant.

A.S. asks from Los Angeles

I would like to know if anyone has been in the situation where you need a tooth pulled while pregnant? and would like tp know if there were any side affects that migh...


What Do You Think About Being Pregnant and Overweight

Y.D. asks from Dallas

My husband and I have been talking about adding number 3 to our family. My only concern is that I am quite a bit overweight. I was overweight with both of my other pr...


Pregnant with 2Nd After 5 Mo!

J.S. asks from St. Cloud

So I just need some advice! My Husband and I tried for 3 years for my Daughter who is now 5 mo old! and come to find out today that I am pregnant with our second ch...