Trying to Conceive

Results 361-370 from 2,471 articles

Hoping to Get Pregnant with Rheumatoid Arthritis (Sorry for the Length)

M.O. asks from Los Angeles

I'm getting really anxious and would LOVE advice from anyone who has had a successful pregnancy with moderate to severe RA. I've just turned 36, was diagnosed with RA...


Ovarian Cysts/clomid and Getting Pregnant???

J.B. asks from Detroit

I am going to make this short... We have been trying for several months to get pregnant. I have been on Clomid for 3 or 4 cylces now. I just had a "chemical pregna...


Birth Control and Getting Pregnant....

R.G. asks from Albany

history- I am a single mum, I am 28.5 years old,getting married in April, and we want to start planning for a baby in a years time. My daughter is 11, and desperatel...


Need Advice on Getting Pregnant

K.G. asks from Fort Wayne

Ok I am not looking for any rude comments just advice on what worked for you going the natural route. We are trying for baby #2 and are having a real rough go at it. ...


Miscarriage Side Effect or Pregnant??

L.M. asks from Milwaukee

I am looking for some input on what I am going through. I had a miscarriage in October at 10 weeks. The doctor later found that I had developed an ovarian cyst on m...


Having Trouble Getting Pregnant

A.M. asks from Indianapolis

We are trying for baby #2 and have been since Nov/Dec of last year(2010). I thought this month was the month because I was/am 12 days late and no bleeding and nauseo...


5 Weeks Pregnant

B.A. asks from Philadelphia

i'm about 4 weeks pregnant & not experiencing any symptoms. Is it just very early or should i worry?? Or should I just be very happy that it is going this smoothly ...


Getting Pregnant Question

T.C. asks from Seattle

Ok, so my husband and I have decided that we are ready for #2! (Yeah!) and we have been tryig a LOT this month. I was taking my temp, saw a little spike, and now it i...


Breast Feeding While Pregnant?

A.P. asks from San Diego

I have a 6 1/2 month old baby boy. My husband and I are thinking about getting pregnant in March or April. I'm not too excited about it, because I'm really enjoying m...


Is It Possible Im Pregnant?

M.S. asks from Bellingham

Hi im sorry im really new at this whole pregnancy thing and I may not know all the right terms for everything! Im 27 yrs old and married for 4 yrs already been tryin...