Traveling by Car: Toddler, Kelty

Results 11-20 from 40 articles

Need Advice on How to Get My Daughter to Sleep Somewhere Other than My Bed :(

A.M. asks from Hickory

My daughter is 9 weeks old...from the time she came home from the hospital, she has refused to sleep in her bassinet or crib. My husband and I have tried every sleep ...


Do You Really Need a Double Stroller Right Away When Your 2Nd Is Born?

S.B. asks from Boston

I have a 14 mo old daughter and baby #2 on the way this July. My daughter has moved into a new car seat and we are planning for our new baby to use her Chicco KeyFit ...


Infant Carrier for Large Baby

A.R. asks from New York

My 6 1/2 month old son weighs 19lbs 7oz, and is fast outgrowing his infant car seat. My baby has an almost 3 yr old brother, and we go out a lot to playgrounds, hikin...


Jogging Stroller

G.B. asks from San Diego

I'm looking for a good jogging stroller. Any suggestions - easy to use (collapses easily), smooth ride and easy to handle & that I don't have to be a weight lifter t...


The Perfect Double Stroller for Jogs and Outings

D.J. asks from Seattle

I have a two-year-old and a two-month baby. I am ready to start jogging again and am looking at different strollers trying to figure out which one will work best for...


Traveling with a One Year Old by Myself, Help!

L.M. asks from Denver

So I am going to be traveling from Colorado to Michigan (about a 3 hr flight) with my one year old for the first time and I have no idea what to bring! I am nervous a...


Stroller Help? Umbrella or Bigger?

B.H. asks from Dallas

I'm a new mom and in the midst of massive stroller research. Here's the deal… I really don't want a big huge stroller. I was thinking about getting the frame to p...


How Long to Use Stroller

L.R. asks from Boston

Hi all: For years, I've been an avid runner. My son will be three when my second child is born in December. He loves to walk right now beside me and really doesn't...


Advice for Twins

M. asks from Denver

I have 9 month old twins that I still carry around in their infant seats when I go to the store. They are getting really heavy in the seats and I would like to know i...


Recommendations on Bike Trailers

A.C. asks from Grand Junction

Im in the market to purchase a bike trailer for a toddler and 8 month old. I have heard positive things about the Burleys but they are a lot more expensive than other...