Toys: Snugli

Results 41-50 from 104 articles

Daughter Won't Nap Anywhere but on Me

M.G. asks from Lancaster

My daughter is 5 months old and sleeps through the night. But when it comes to napping, I can't get her to nap in her crib or anywhere except for on me. I know this...


Advice on Traveling with a 2.5 Month Old?

C.Z. asks from New York

Thanks in advance! My husband and I are flying from NY to LA at the end of the month and bringing our baby boy for his first flight. He will be 2.5 months old then. I...


Baby on a Plane

L.H. asks from Washington DC

i am about to take my 9mth old on a 3hr plane ride. he is super squirmy and super loud. i've heard of giving a kid benadryl, but mine is a baby. is there any safe met...


Where/what Should I Register For????

T.R. asks from Portland

Hi Moms, This is our first child and I want to make sure and register at a great store and for things we really actually will need/use. Can you suggest where you ...


Asking for a Friend. Need Advice on Traveling with 2 Babies on an Airline

A.P. asks from Birmingham

Okay, My girlfriend is totally stressed. She has a 4 month old and a2 year old and she is flying by herself to visit her family. She has a carrier for the 4 month ...


Is My Child Spoiled???

R.R. asks from Savannah

My baby just turned 5 mths old and everytime i put her down she starts crying extends her arm out to me and keeps crying and crying. she will not stop until i pick he...


HELP!! Need Advice on Adjusting from 1 Child to 2

A.G. asks from Chicago

I am a mother of an almost four year old boy and a one month old girl. I am feeling extreemly overwhelmed and feel as if I am neglecting my older child's needs for m...


Camping with an Infant.

H.J. asks from San Francisco

DH and I have friends who love camping. They have invited us to go on some trips with them. We just cannot agree on what to do with our 4 month old daughter. My idea ...


Baby Does Not Want to Be Put Down

C.H. asks from St. Louis

According to my husband, our 5.5 month old son is at home crying unless he is being held. He was held a lot Saturday day and night at my dad's 50th bday, a lot of fa...


Double Stroller Recommendations

A.P. asks from Fresno

I am in need of some suggestions regarding double strollers. I have an 18 month old little girl and another one on the way. I am at a loss for what double stroller to...