Toy Trains: Teen

Results 181-190 from 276 articles

Advice for Perfectionist Tendencies in Five-year-old

K.J. asks from Rochester

My 5-year-old daughter struggles with some perfectionist tendencies. Any advice for how to gently help her? Her desire to do certain tasks perfectly (such as write ...


Ties up Everything

D.P. asks from Phoenix

So I'm not sure how many kids do this, but i'm sure there are some. My daughter is obsessed with tying up everything. If she ever finds a string, cord, shoe lace, etc...


Paranoid - Need Reassurance Please!

Z.D. asks from Chicago

Hi moms, I know I'm just being paranoid, but I just need to hear from other moms, maybe I will feel better. Anyway, my 9 month old has recently started pulling hims...


14 Month Old Sleeping habits...I Need Help!!!

A.G. asks from Atlanta

So my little princess has been sleeping with me since she was 6 months old when we had to change our living arrangements. Now that she is 14 months I would like for h...


Ideas for Eye Patches/glasses for Children!!!

C.E. asks from New York

My nephew is 19 months old and we started noticing that his left eye seems to be turning in a bit. My sister took him to a pediatric ophthalmologist and the doctor fo...


My Daughter Is a Tomboy

A.N. asks from Fort Wayne

Does anyone out there have a daughter that dresses and acts like a boy? Since about the age of 3 or 4 my daughter has only wanted to shop in the boys dept. She only...


At a Lost in How to Help My Son....

I.S. asks from Sacramento

My son is still having a lot of difficulties in school. Now at his new school (he started 3/21/14). He was doing so well until these last few weeks. Today I was told ...


Cleaning and Keeping House Clean

D.M. asks from Boston

I just want to give up on my house ever being clean. I clean it and my family messes it up again. Everything is always on the floor and I am tripping over baby equipm...


What Is Your Mama Opnion on Spong Bob Square Pants

D.D. asks from Denver

My 1st grader loves to watch it, my husband and I are not always sure we like it. Can you give your comments on this cartoon?


How Do I Get My Almost 4 Year Old to Obey Me?

K.O. asks from Austin

Today I am completely exasperated and at the end of my rope. I tell my little girl not to draw on the wall, and she promptly goes and does it. She'll do things she kn...