Toy Trains: Teen

Results 141-150 from 276 articles

Teaching Kids to Clean Up

J.C. asks from Portland

I was wondering at what age do other parents require their children to pick up after themselves. I feel like my 3 year olds are perfectly capable of putting their thi...


Putting Twins to Sleep

H.P. asks from Nashville

I have two 5month old baby girls who are 7wks premies. I recently just started to get them to feed every 2 and 1/2 hour, it used to be every 1 and a 1/2!!!. I'm tryin...


19 Month Old with Yeast Infection

A.M. asks from Detroit

My 19 month old girl was on antiboitics for three weeks for her ear infection. Now she has a yeast infection. Her diaper is irritating her and she now has red bumps ...


When Does It End????

J.N. asks from San Francisco

My 3 year old is at the heart of the Terrible Two's and tantrum throwing. The poor guy is at the top of the stairs crying and screaming (he's supposed to be in his ro...


Discipline and Toddlers

S.J. asks from Boston

I was wondering if anyone could reccomend any books or videos on discipling a toddler? My daughter is 18 months and has just started throwing tantrums?


To All You Thrifty Moms...

E.M. asks from Phoenix

I buy 99% of my kids (5 and 2) clothes at thrift stores and I am proud of the way they look each and every day. In fact I would say my son is one of the best dressed...


Son Wakes up Every Night

B.T. asks from Salt Lake City

My son is 23 months old and we converted his crib into a toddler bed. He wakes up every night between 2-4 and crawls into bed with me. My question is did we convert h...


4-Year Old Son Wets Bed

M.L. asks from Los Angeles

Hi Moms. My son is 4&1/2 and has stayed dry all night several times. But after the first few nights, he began wetting again and now never seems to make it through w...


Trying to Get Teenage Daughter to Remember to Lock Her Car!

T.M. asks from Dallas

My 17 yr old daughter CANNOT remember to lock her car!! Does anyone have any ideas on ways that might help her remember? I have tried grouding her and reminding her...


Flower Girl Ideas for 1.6 Year Old

M.B. asks from Washington DC

I think I saw a previous request where someone asked a similar question, but I couldn't find it again. Any great ideas to make being a flower girl easier for a 1.6 y...