I just found out that my 5 yr old son was talked to in a firm voice by teacher pointing her finger close to his face. They also placed him in time out for at least 3...
I have a 3 year old daughter who has always preferred to be in her underwear only. Now that we are entering the colder weather, the struggles to get dressed in the m...
My daughter sleeps well 10-12 hours a night, but she does not nap much during the day and by the time 6:30 she is about as fun a stubbing your toe. Should I wake her...
I wanted to thank all of you that took the time to respond. I am seeing an allergist for my son on 7/5th and I do have another GI doc appt on the 12th. I'm just pra...
I am a new mom with a 4 week old and am having a terrible time dealing with the pain associated with breastfeeding, I'm trying to figure out if this intense pain is n...
I am just wondering what advice you all have about putting orajel on your babies gums for teething. I have heard that it can cause the baby to choke because it numbs ...
At my 1 year old's MD appt, the MD said she wants to send him for PT. He's never pulled himself up to stand in the crib; does a military crawl, won't go from a sitt...
Has anyone experienced extremely sensitive nipples, especially after nursing? I am experiencing both a hot/cold sensation after nursing. I recently transistioned fr...
Should I buy a winter coat for my 7-month old? I know she isn't supposed to wear a bulky coat in the infant carseat, so she won't wear it on trips to the YMCA or run...
I just had my second child, a boy on Jan 31st. We got off to a pretty rough start with breastfeeding partly due to how small he was when he was born. I had to supplem...