Toddler: Desitin

Results 21-30 from 968 articles

19 Month Old with Yeast Infection

A.M. asks from Detroit

My 19 month old girl was on antiboitics for three weeks for her ear infection. Now she has a yeast infection. Her diaper is irritating her and she now has red bumps ...


Diarrhea in 21 Month!

J.S. asks from Seattle

**************** I HAVE IT UNDER CONTROL! THANK YOU!!************************* no more responses needed here..=)


Fungal Infection in 17 Month Old

L.S. asks from San Francisco

Hey 17 month old has struggled with what I thought was diaper rash for several weeks. We went to the doctor several days ago and she was diagnosed with a ...


14 Month Old with Chronic Diarrhea

L. asks from Denver

My 14 month old son has had chronic diarrhea that has lasted four weeks now. I have taken him to the doctor and they do not seem to be concerned, as he is gaining wei...


Severe Diaper Rash - 18 Month Old Boy

C.J. asks from Detroit

My son has a severe diaper rash. He is 18 months old. It seems to get worse every day for over a week now. His skin is bleeding in several places. I have put diap...


19 Month Old Girl with Rash

K.K. asks from Denver

Hi everyone, I got up early and tried to back track through some old postings but did not find anything. My grand daughter has had a very red and bumpy rash. I cal...


Exzema/dry Skin on My 22 Month Old

L.S. asks from Seattle

my daughter has dry skin all over. Drier patches on her elbows and the back of her arms, her thighs and calves. She scratches her tummy and her upper and lower back...


Mentality of a 21 Month Old JFF

C.A. asks from Atlanta

My daughter is about as girly as it comes. She insists on picking out her outfits and wearing tutus daily. She'll say, "Oh, that's so pretty!" She loves when I let...


My 16 Month Old Has Had DIARRHEA for a WEEK!!!!!

D.A. asks from Washington DC

My son has had diarrhea since Sunday (1/4).... The doctor says they don't worry unless it's been two weeks..... I don't know what else to do.... I had some type of st...


6-Month Old Daughter's Mouth Breaking Out

L.H. asks from Cincinnati

I have a 6-month old baby girl and over the last couple of months she gets really red and irritated around her mouth. It's almost like a red rash but sometimes get dr...