My grandson who is almost 9 loves First Aid stuff. He has a very nice first aid kit and got more excited over that than any gift he has ever I need some i...
I'm not quite SURE what to do about the following. My daughter is 4 & 8 months old. This month she's had 2 accidents at the pool. Apparently she waits too long or ca...
Hello! My son will be 9 months old next week and we are driving to Virginia Beach for vacation. I am nervous about the drive because he is such an active little boy...
I have an 8 month old son and I find I'm running out of ideas on how to play with him and keep him occupied. We play in his exersaucer, with some toys on the floor a...
We live in Florida and don't have a pool. I have the same problem every summer, my kids don't want to go outside. They complain that they are bored and no kids are ou...
Hello moms!
My family will be relocating to FL in a week or so, and I'm very nervous about the long-18hr drive. My husband and I plan on taking it slow and doing it...
The DC metro area is hours away from being dumped on with snow (12-24 inches)! What are some activities to keep kids busy during a lengthy winter storm?
I'm seeking suggestions on how to make bath time less stressful for my 16-month-old son. He used to love baths, but now he starts crying immediately and tries...
This morning my 22month old daughter escaped from her pack n play in the space of about 2 minutes - while I was getting her prune juice to bring to her.
She has al...
My 4 year old (will be 5 in Oct) step son is not sleeping through the night. His whole life he has had a movie playing through out the night and we recently stopped ...