Strollers: Toddler, Infantino

Results 1-10 from 60 articles

Infantino Vs. Ergo Carrier

M.S. asks from Los Angeles

Hello Moms! I have a friend thats interested in getting a carrier. I told her that I've read and heard great things about the Ergo Carrier. She sent me an email to...


Lightweight Stroller for 2 Year Old

M.M. asks from Minneapolis

I want to get a light weight stroller but wondering if it's too late to invest in one. My son still likes to use his stroller , we still use the one from his travel s...


Looking for Double Stroller Suggestions

L.L. asks from Boston

We're expecting baby no. 2 in Feb. Our first daughter will be 19 mo. old when the baby arrives. We're in the process of researching double strollers and trying to fig...


Flying with an 8 Month Old

L.B. asks from St. Louis

I will be taking my daughter, (8 months when we fly), on a four hour flight by myself and she doesn't have her own seat. I don't ever really give her medicine unless...


10 Month Old Crying in Car

A.H. asks from Milwaukee

My 10 month old used to be a good traveler in the car. For the past month (every since he has become mobile) he does not like to be in his carseat, stroller, wagon, ...


Suggestions for International Travel with a 5 Month Old?

A.P. asks from New York

Hi moms, I will be taking a family vacation to Spain in August and my son will be 5 months old at the time. We are taking a nonstop flight, have purchased a seat f...


Baby Slings/Carriers

M.A. asks from Missoula

Just wanting to get some advice on a baby carrier before we invest in one. I have a 7 wk old. Looking for something that will fit me and my husband, I'm about 5 ft an...


Baby Carriers or Slings?

C.G. asks from Chicago

Any advice on baby carriers for newborns and beyond six months? Feedback on pros/cons on brands like the ERGO, Baby Bjorn, Beco and Infantino backpack carrier would b...


Christmas Gift Ideas for 4 Month Old Boy

W.M. asks from Bloomington

Hi, moms! My son will be 4 months old at Christmas. My older child is 8, and so it's been a long time since I've shopped for baby toys/activities. He has very few ...


Help I Need to Find a Baby Carrier/sling!!!!!

B.W. asks from Minneapolis

I really need to find something to “wear” my baby. I cannot get anything done and I think a sling or carrier is the alternative. I bought a hotsling with my old...