Staying Motivated: Simmons

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9 answers

Exercise and Motherhood

In my twenties, before motherhood I made and had time for exercise. I used to enjoy going to aerobics classes at the gym. Since becoming a mom four years ago, I have become very inconsistent. I rarely go to an aerobics class because my daughter has cried in the past when I put her in the kids' club. I rely on my husband to stay with her on weekends. Weekdays I work full-time and my only window of time to exercise (with any motivation) is from around 3:15-4:30 the latest. There are no aerobics classes during that time. I've gotten into a rut...


Give Me Motivation!

I can't seem to motivate myself to exercise. I see good results from just a...

Personal Trainers

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6 answers

Which Work Out?

Hi! So, my husband, SIL, BIL, and cousins and I are entering the hero rush 5K as a team for next May. If you haven't heard of it you should look it up. It's not just a regular 5K. It's a 5K where you are climbing walls, crawling through tunnels, jumping over flames, ect... You get the idea, lol! Very tough and I have never done anything like this before but I'm excited because I think it will motivate me to get in shape. But, right now, I am not in good shape. I have about 15 pounds to loose, and I would need to build up endurance and...


Help with Weightloss

I'm on a neverending quest to lose weight. It seems like a constant struggle...