I need some good advice on swaddling. We started breaking my daughter of the swaddle blanket last night. She has been breaking out of it lately, and I figured it was ...
I have a three week old infant that sleeps swaddled. She won't fall asleep unless she has her legs swaddled tight. I am concerned about the risk of SIDS with the li...
How do you know when your baby is ready to sleep without a swaddle? Any ideas on how to ease into sleeping without one? What about using the wedge so they do not ro...
My 7.5-month-old son does reasonably well with his sleeping, but he's still dependent on being swaddled in order to fall asleep and stay asleep. In fact, he seems to ...
Our DS will be 4 months old on Saturday. He has never been what you would call a "good" sleeper. He has reflux, and is on Prevacid and takes Alimentum with rice cer...
With my first baby, I think I made the mistake of waiting to stop swaddling too late. I think it helped him fall asleep but then it hindered him to be able to self so...
I am expecting my baby boy in a couple of months and had a question about swaddling. Is it best to use receiving blankets to swaddle or an actual swaddling blanket?
My post is long so I appreciate all of you moms taking time out of your busy schedules to read this and hopefully respond. I feel the need to give you all as much inf...
Happy Mother's Day to all! I was wondering if there's any info on how long to swaddle your baby. We've swaddled our daughter since the day she was born and she's fo...