My daughter is starting physical therapy for her neck, she leans it to one side, and I'm worried about the shape of her head, she is 2 months old, and her pedi said w...
My 4 week newborn will not sleep in the crib. He will only sleep on my chest or on the bed. Need help. In addition he is very fussy, some days he will take a full 2 h...
Is it ok to let son cry in crib? My husband and I have fed, changed, cuddled, and burped him. He hates the crib but we don't want him getting used to sleeping in the ...
Hi moms...this is my first time seeking advice but I've seen how helpful everyone is. I had my little girl a month ago and I never thought I could love someone so muc...
hey everyone my little girl in 2 1/2 weeks old and she will not sleep in her bassinet at night. she is sound a sleep when we try and put her in but as soon as she is ...
My daughter is 4 weeks old and has been suffering from acid reflux and painful gas since she was 1 week old. I need advice/suggestions/opinions from anyone who has b...
I have a 2 mo old that will not sleep in his bassinett, I can put him in there asleep and he will wake himself up and fuss until I put him in my bed with me. I unders...
My son is 4 weeks old and in order for him to sleep more than a hour he has to feel me next to him. I place him in the boppy next to me in bed if Im real tired or I w...
I have a beautiful 4 week old girl who will sleep almost constantly when we hold her, but almost as soon as we put her in her crib, she wakes up and cries. I know th...
I am trying to find ways to get my son to sleep through the night, in his own crib. When we try to put him down for the night and turn out the lights, he cries and c...