Sleep Apnea

Results 131-140 from 1,502 articles

Help for Tossing and Turning

T.S. asks from Houston

Is it possible to correct my tossing and turning and kicking at night? I have always known that I do it, but, after 9 years it is really affecting how my husband is ...


Upcoming Tonsil and Adenoid Surgery

J.F. asks from Madison

I will try to keep this short. After much research and discussion we have decided to go ahead with surgery to remove both of my 6 and 8 year olds tonsils and adenoids...


Help with Asthmatic Child.

D.C. asks from Dallas

I have a 6 year old that has had problems with breathing for a while - I'm at my wits end. Please give me some advice. He has sleep apnea, he seems perfectly fine...


Seeking Moms with Premature Infants Who Went Home on Oxygen.

L.F. asks from Sioux Falls

I am trying to find other moms who have had premature infants that have gone home on oxygen. We had our son in march and he spent 36 days in the NICU with pneumonia ...


Sleep Disorder Is Ruining My Life

S.C. asks from Dallas

I am getting SO MAD about this on-going sleep problem. It’s nutz. The only thing that works (sometimes) is Ambien. I've tried some over the counter natural stuff a...


In-Home Childcare McKinney, Frisco, or Plano

L.D. asks from Dallas

Hello, I need to go back to work in the next 7 weeks and am looking for an in-home daycare for my daughter. She was 5 weeks early and just got out the NICU not too l...


My 3 Year Old Needs His Tonsils Removed

A.M. asks from Denver

So I took my almost 3 year old son to our regular family doctor because I thought he had sleep apnea (my husband noticed his tonsils were huge and we figured this all...


Seeking Sleepless Moms

J.C. asks from New York

I have a 6 month old son who is still not sleeping on his own in his crib. My husband and I are still taking turns at night with him. My daughter was easy she slept i...


Voice Change After Tonsilectomy

V.S. asks from Philadelphia

My 4 y/o had his tonsils out yesterday due to obstrctive sleep apnea. His voice is now very high pitch sounding - I realize this is normal after the surgery and usua...


Changed Insurance Lately with Pre-existing Conditions?

K.D. asks from Dallas

I am thinking of changing health insurance, and have heard they are getting much more picky on what is considered pre-existing and uncoverable conditions. I am concer...