Sippy Cups: Toddler, Pedialyte

Results 161-170 from 177 articles

Hand Foot Mouth Disease

T.C. asks from Minneapolis

I took my 10 month old son to the doctor yesterday thinking he had an ear infection because he had a fever all weekend, and normally when he has a fever he has an ear...


Very Hard BM Since Changing Food...

K.W. asks from Charlotte

My daughter is 9 months old and here lately she has been having very hard BMs. She has recently started eating more table food than baby food (basically she has learn...


Bad Diaper Rash

A.B. asks from Tulsa

My daughter has had a pretty bad case of an ear infection. Well the medication she is on is causing diarrhea, which lead to a diaper rash/yeast infection. My question...



T.R. asks from Philadelphia

My one year is has been mildly constipated for a few days now, she is pooping, just not well, and its tough for her to get anything out. Calling my doc is not an opt...


Do You Have a Tip for Constipation in a Baby?

N.F. asks from Reno

Hi Mamas! My almost 10 month old baby boy has been suffering from constipation for about a month now. To be specific, stools are very hard, though he usually goes eve...


Wanting to Start Weaning from Breastfeeding

M.B. asks from Boise

Hello! I've been breastfeeding my almost 8 month old since he was born.. He seldom took a bottle of breastmilk and he Hates formula when i try and give it to him. We ...


Air Travel Security

S.M. asks from Seattle

Hello Moms! Could you give me an idea of what I can bring on the plane in regards to juice and food? I have a one year old who is still nursing/bottle feeding with ...


Travel to LAX with 2 Yr Old Twins and Infant-flight and Car Seat ?S

S.Y. asks from Portland

We are traveling by air to LA for the 1st time with our 2yr old twins and 8mo old infant (her age in Oct. when we travel). I talked to Alaska Air and they said we can...



B.F. asks from Sioux Falls

I have a 13 month little girl who is on her third day with diarrhea. She is averaging 5-7 a day, so is not considered severe. She has some new teeth coming in, but ...


Need Help Ladies! My 3 Year Old Refuses to Eat Anything!

N.I. asks from Daytona Beach

Ladies, I need your help again! My 3 year old boy is not eating much, well not at all. Since he turned 2 he stopped eating much, very picky! He was the boy that woul...