Sinusitis or Congestion: Older Child

Results 61-70 from 279 articles

Sick 7 Week Old

K.G. asks from Boise

My daughter is 7 weeks old. She is a great baby-eats great (is already 11 pounds), sleeps 8 hrs a night, and is happy. But she got a cold this week. My husband had...


Help!!! Teething?

A.F. asks from Elkhart

I need some help and quick. My 5 month old Will not take his bottle. Ive tried different flows, I tried to syringe feed him even. When I offer him the bottle he start...


Any Relief for a Coughing Baby?

A.N. asks from Cleveland

Hi Everyone, My 18-month-old daughter has a cold and coughed all night long last night, so we're all miserable. I used to give her some Tylenol Cough and Cold for ...


Is This Just a Common Cold??

A.H. asks from Houston

My son is 16 almost 17 months and goes to daycare 5 days a week. He has had a runny nose, watery eyes and a really bad cough/congestion for going on 4 weeks now. Two ...


Ever Heard of Benedryl for Car/motion Sickness?

L.A. asks from Charlottesville

I have a daughter who is 3 1/2 we recently realized that if she is in the car for an exteneded period of time...sometimes only about 40 mins she gets sick and vomits....


Sick Kids

A.S. asks from Fort Wayne

My 7 year old step dughter is always coughing,I take her to the doctor,they tell me she has strep throught,or broncites,or ear infection,or something els. We get meds...


10 1/2 Month Old with Ear Problems

E.B. asks from Dover

My 10 1/2 month old daughter has had ear infections in both of her ears for almost 6 weeks now and can't seem to get rid of them. She has been to the doctor's ust ab...


Help with Nausea

B.B. asks from Jacksonville

I am desperate. I am trying to write this without crying but I wont make it. I am 29 weeks pregnant. This is my third pregnancy. All have been great until now. Last w...


Scared to Give Antibiotics

P.V. asks from Dallas

Dear Moms, I have a thing against giving children antibiotics for minor colds because of all the bad things I have heard. I just went to the pediatrician this week a...


6 Month Old Is Always Congested

J.W. asks from Philadelphia

My 6 mo. old daughter has been congested to some degree since birth. It is mainly in her throat/chest, NOT her nose/sinuses. Initially I related it to her acid refl...