My 2 yr old grandson has been going to daycare for 3 weeks now and he has been sick every since he started! Is this normal? What can I do to help stop this? I feel...
I am now 8 weeks pregnant and I am sick all of the time!! I am always nauseous, have a headache and I puke at least 3-4 times a day. Doesn't matter the time of day ei...
I feel like my son is sick all the time. He is 18 months old and in daycare. I know that's part of being in daycare, but I really feel its exesessive. He's a great ea...
This is going to seem like a crazy request but...
Is there such a service for last minute daycare issues? Let's say that my son is sick one morning and I really ca...
Two weeks ago my two year old son was very sick but only throwing up in the middle of the night every ten minutes non stop for an hour and a half. This went on for a...
Hello All,
It seems since November that my family has been sick on and off. We have three boys; 8, 5, and 2. We've had everything from strep to colds to stomach ...
I just had a beautiful little boy 9 weeks ago, I also have two other beautiful children four and two. Since the babys ben born the we have all been sick. First a col...
I have been reading ALL the posts regarding the 'birth control debate' (debacle??).
I think there may be a solution for the catholic church...and other institution...
When choosing an in home care provider I wanted someone who was bilingual, had some teaching as part of their day and who had would provide a similar structured envir...