Sick Child Care: Infant, Maalox

Results 41-50 from 90 articles

11 Month Old Has Had Diarrhea for Almost a Week. HELP!

K.A. asks from Enid

I have a beautiful 11 month old boy who "caught a bug" last week and quickly recovered. However, the diarrhea has remained and his poor little bottom is so raw! The...


5-Year-old Always Has a Stomachache

L.G. asks from Salt Lake City

I have a great 5 year old daughter! She has been complaining for probably the last 2 months of a stomachache, nearly every day. The reason I haven't taken her to the ...


Burning Her Bottom!!!

T.D. asks from Canton

My one year old has had really bad diapers lately. It seems like once or twice a day she explodes a diaper, which I change immediately, but where ever the bm touches ...


Having a Girl: How Do You Prevent and Get Rid of Diaper Rash?

N.M. asks from Chicago

I want to get a head start as I am expecting in May. How do you prevent a baby girl from getting diaper rash and if she gets it, what products and process do you go a...


My Own How to Book....

C.M. asks from Boston

So I am looking for home remedies and helpful tips that you as a mom picked up alnong the way. Things that the doctors may have not suggested. Things you have learned...


SEVERE Diaper Rash!

G.L. asks from San Francisco

My 17 month old daughter never really had diaper rash until about month ago when she developed one. It has gotten worse and then better and then worse again and the p...


Need Ladies with Much Wisdom About Pregnancy Issues...

J.J. asks from Houston

Hi Ladies. This is my first post as this site has been very helpful to me in the past. I am a 37 year old mother of a 17 year and I am currently 3 months pregnant (I...


Never Ending Diaper Rash!!

K.R. asks from Omaha

Looking for any ideas, or maybe I just need to vent a little! My son, who will be one next week, has been battling diaper rashes since Thanksgiving. NEVER had a pr...


Help..... 6 Week Old Wont Sleep.

S.K. asks from Buffalo

hi moms i am very sleep deprived as i write this..... my 6 week old (today) has not slept for more than a 40 min span in three days and nights. even when holding him...


Diaper Sores

J.P. asks from Boise

My son (2yo) is in cloth diapers and has never had the typical diaper rash. Instead, when he is teething, or on antibiotics, it seems that his poop gets really acidi...