My 4 month old weighs 20 lbs. now. He is VERY uncomfortable in the car seat we bought before he was born. Don't recall the brand now but we can barely buckle him up w...
My daughter is 8 and 1/2 months old. She weighs 19.5 lbs but here's the problem, she's 29 1/2 inches long. We have a really great car seat that goes up to 35 lbs re...
When is it time to change to forward facing? When they weight 20 lbs or when they are a year old? Go from infant carrier to what? How did you all make the change and ...
My husband, 2 year old daughter and I are flying to Atlanta next month. This is the first time she will have her own plane seat. I'm wondering if we should bring our ...
My 8 month old is almost at the 20 pound mark and old recommendations say that at 20 pounds you can use a forward facing car seat. My son hates his car seat right no...
In a few months I'm meeting my husband overseas- and therefore going to be flying solo with my one year old to get there. He's going to be in my lap for about 8 hour...
i'm trying to shop for a carseat and stroller and i'm needing a feedback from anyone who has used the alpha omega elite convertible car seat. it says on the package t...
Our family is taking a vacation to the Cancun area in January. We have an active 2 1/2 year old boy and wondered if we should bring along our carseat. What do you m...
Getting ready to upgrade from infant carseat to something my little girl won't feel so scrunched in. She's only 9 months old so it needs to be one that can face rear ...
Help, mommies. My 17 month old little girl suddenly hates sitting in her high chair. She does the full body throw/stiff board in order to avoid being put in her cha...