Rehydration: Pedialyte

Results 121-130 from 422 articles

My 7 Month Old Throws up like an Adult!

T.C. asks from Topeka

My daugher is almost 7 months old. Since January she has had 3 spells where she throws up like an adult. It's really scary because it's either immediately after she ...


Toddler Rotavirus Help

L.R. asks from Chicago

My 18 month old has had vomiting and diarrhea off and on since Friday. I have two older children who have had rotavirus in the past, so I recognize it, particularly f...


Help for My Baby's Ear Infection!!!

C.W. asks from Saginaw

My 1 year old has come down with an ear infection. We just had her checked last night. This was her first cold too. It started with a runny nose a week ago and I just...


Teething Signs????

M.L. asks from Boca Raton

My son is 7 months old and has been drooling like a mad man for about 3 months (which I know is a sign of teething) BUT over the last 3 days he has now started to puk...


Sick Baby

S.H. asks from Denver

Hi Ladies~ I was just wondering what some of you moms do for your sick ones? I have a 16 month old who is sick she is all congested with a cough and when she drinks ...


Bacterial Instead of the Flu

A.D. asks from Louisville

Well i've found out that the dr was wrong. My daughter doesn't have the flu. She just had a touch of the stomach flu. My son spiked a 104 temp the other night and we ...


Advice for Height and Weight and Flu

J.A. asks from Las Vegas

Good day I have 2 problems First: My 10 m old just got the stomach virus last Sat and we saw her nurse Tues. The Dr could not come see her paitents for a while s...


16 Month Old with on Going Diarrehea

K.H. asks from Fort Collins

I am kind of baffled, my 16 month old has been having ongoing diarrehea for the past 3 weeks. We have done stool test through the doctors and everything came back ne...


5 Yr Old Vomiting Help!!

A.A. asks from Las Vegas

Hello Mama's, I had to keep my son home from school today because he has been throwing up since 2:30 am IT IS NOW 1:12PM. Any thing I give him Popsicle, water, juice...


What to Put in a Bottle When Baby Has a Fever?

S.K. asks from South Bend

Hello everyone. My 15 month old son has been running a fever since Wednesday night. It's been a low-to-medium grade fever... goes up and down as the tylenol takes e...