Rehydration: Pedialyte

Results 91-100 from 422 articles

My Daughter Keeps Vomiting and She Hasn't Had a WET DIAPER in 2 Days.

S.R. asks from Louisville

I really need some good advice. My daughter has been vomiting all day. She has vomited 5 times today, and couple of times yesterday. She has not had a wet diaper. I c...


Throwing Up

M.L. asks from Dallas

This is a long one...Sorry. My DD is 5 month old. At 4 mon. we started on cereal. No issues. Then about 2 weeks ago we went to veggies. Green beans no issue, then car...



T.C. asks from Jackson

My son has had diarhea for the last 5 days. Within the last couple of days he's not been wanting to eat or drink. I've tried giving him Pedialyte, water, Sprite mixed...


Anyone's Else's Child(ren( Been Sick Alot Lately with Vomiting And\or Diarrhea?

C.M. asks from Chicago

Hi, about a month ago, my daughter came down with a really bad case of diarrhea that lasted for almost a week. She had no other symptoms, no fever, vomiting, etc. A...



M.H. asks from Lincoln

So this may be a little TMI, but I just need some advice. My daughter has had MAJOR diarrhea since Tuesday (so for about 4 days) to the point where in almost every di...


1 Year Old in Pain (Bowel Movements & Rash)

S.G. asks from Harrisburg

Hi Moms, My 1 year old has been adjusting to regular whole milk now and no formula .. All o a sudden, he has been having diarreha constantly and ha...


Should I Breastfeed Diarrhea?

V.C. asks from Washington DC

My 21 month old acquired a stomach bug during her first week at daycare. It started Friday with frequent vomiting (couldn't keep anything down), then periodic vomitin...


Sick Son

K.B. asks from Philadelphia

My son is five and a half months old and since last monday has had an upper respitory infecton. He has now begin vomiting at least once a day. Today he projectile v...



S.S. asks from Washington DC

Saturday night I was playing monopoly with my family and I got really sick like the stomach or food poisoning. I had diarrhea I was nauseous my abdominal area hurt re...


Need Advice for Baby with C-diff a New Illness

M.S. asks from Washington DC

My 1 year old son was hospitalized this week with C-Diff. SEVERRE diahrrea every 10-15 minutes that dehydrated him. They hooked him up to IV's and tried to give him F...