Refusing to Eat: Infant, Nuby

Results 61-70 from 83 articles

Eating Issues for 8 Month Old

H.R. asks from St. Louis

HI MOMS HERE IT IS... I would like to know if I am over reacting or I just need to chill out. My daughter is 8 1/2 months old. She eats all the stage 2 fruit...


Breast to Bottle?

R.G. asks from Fayetteville

I have breastfed my daughter since she was born. She is now 9 months old and I am 3 months pregnant. Her ped said that we could continue breastfeeding as long as I wa...


How to Get My 18Month Old Boy to Drink Milk (Still Breasfeeding)

N.M. asks from Hartford

hello, i have a beautiful, healthy, smart 18th month old boy that refuses to drink regular/whole milk. (he eats everything solids) Since January i started to mix br...


Should My Daughters Be Drinking More Milk?

P.W. asks from New York

Hello, My twin daughters are 14 months old and I want to share their feeding schedule. I want to make sure that they are getting the proper nutrition. I am really con...


8 Month Old Has No Interest in Solid Foods - Gags...

L.P. asks from Philadelphia

My exclusively bestfed son just turned 8 months old today, and so far I think he has yet to swallow 1 Tbsp worth of solid foods. We started solids at 6 months and fi...


11 Months Old and No Teeth

A.R. asks from Norfolk

My soon to be 11 month old has no teeth and no signs of teeth coming in. He is on 4-6oz. bottles a day and not only do I want to switch him to a sippy but more solid...


Mom Seeking Advice, as to What I Should Feed Her

T.T. asks from Philadelphia

My dilemma is that I have a 13mos old daughter that seems to not want to transition from 3rd stage baby food. In the morning I'll try to give her Quaker instant oatme...


2 Year Old Won't Drink Milk Anymore

A.P. asks from Sacramento

We stopped, cold-turkey, giving our 2.5 year old daughter a baby bottle and now she won't drink any milk at all! She went from about 4 to 5 cups of milk a day to non...


Can't Get 13 Mo Old to Take Milk from Sippy Cup

J.B. asks from Los Angeles

My 13 mo old will drink water from a sippy cup with no problem but will not take breastmilk or cow's milk. I'd like to get her to take milk so that other people can ...


Switching from Bottle to Sippy Cup

E.C. asks from Phoenix

hi ladies, i was wondering if i could get some help on how to switch my 11 month old from her bottle to putting her milk in a sippy cup. i have tried to put half her ...