You didn't say which country you are what you have available will vary. My daughter pretty much only breastfed until she was a year, so this might be better for when she gets just a bit older. Of course, mine also didn't have any teeth until she was a year. I've always made all of her food.
Avoid excess salty or sweet, but you can (and I believe you should) definitely start introducing other flavors. Just remember that your baby's palate is less developed and won't need so much to get the effect.
I have a good trick for frozen leaf spinach--grind it quickly(while frozen) in the food processor into a fine texture. If you do more than you need for a day, quickly put it back in the freezer so you can scoop/scrape out what you need without it forming a solid block. I mix this in scrambled eggs, homemade turkey macaroni and cheese, applesauce. I've also done this with raw carrot shreds and just cooked as needed for whatever they are being mixed with.
If you make pot roast, roast some extra vegetables and puree them with some whole milk or yogurt and some of the defatted juices. I made a sippy cup with extra large holes and let my daughter "drink" her vegetable soup.
Try mixing low-sodium vegetable juice with fruit juice.
Above all, keep offering a variety of foods raw and cooked. Make sure you are giving her a chance to feed herself. My daughter loved to feed herself steamed green peas for the longest time.
Do try changing the size/texture of foods...I have to cut grapes into pieces or she will just eat the guts and spit out the skin. I also did this with beans--red, lima, kidney--and it seemed to do the trick.
Ok...rambling a bit now...but don't stress day to day on what she is getting. Think about her diet over a span of a few days and incorporate all the elements of a healthy diet over time. Change things up a lot, our babies are paying attention even when we don't realize it. Example...if you always give her something sweet at the end of the meal she may come to expect that and be less willing to finish the main attraction.