Preschooler: 24 Hour

Results 21-30 from 495 articles

Seeking Childcare/babysitting for My 3 Year Old Son

V.P. asks from Tampa

I work in a call center that is open 24 hours a day. At the present time, my schedule is 11 am to 8 pm Sunday through Thursday. I am looking for a babysitter/daycar...


3 Yo's Nose Constantly Stuffed Up!

J.H. asks from Phoenix

My 3 yo has been stuffed up constantly for about 3 weeks. No other cold/flu symptoms. just stuffy. Her voice sounds nasaly & she is breathing out of her mouth. It see...


Driving from Illinois to Florida - with a 2 and a 4 Year Old!

C.K. asks from Chicago

We're leaving for our family vacation in Orlando tomorow morning, but in order to get there I have to survive the 24ish hour car ride with my two small girls. Any id...


Tylenol for 4 Year Old After Surgery

S.F. asks from Detroit

My daughter had her adenoids and tonsils out, So we have been attempting to stay on top of the pain medicine as instructed by our doctor and the hospital. I have been...


4 Year Old with Flu like Symptoms

S.M. asks from St. Louis

My four year old was fine when she went to school this morning. She came home around 2 pm and had diahrea. About an hour later she threw up. As of right now she is...


4 y.o. Needing to Eat Nightly Before Bed

E.K. asks from Lawrence

My daughter over the last few months has started telling us she is still hungry, right around bedtime. We usually eat dinner around 5:30 or 6 and we try and start bed...


Looking for Gym Advice

L. asks from Phoenix

I was wondering if anyone has advice on joining a gym. I have called Bally's, 24 Hour Fitness, Mountainside and Lifetime. Just looking for any other Mom's that have...


Anyone Recommend NAET for 3 Year Old?

C.M. asks from Dallas

My daughter was recently diagnosed with 4 different allergies (so far). Egg, dog, and 2 molds. Thanks to all the great responses I have received from here we are wo...


4 Year Old Son Puking for 5 Days. Around Same Time Every Night

M.B. asks from Elmira

My son threw up on Wednesday around 4pm. Was super tired afterward and fell asleep. Then went to bed with no issues. Was fine all day Thursday and Friday had his 4th ...


Age Requirement for Kids Club at Gym?

A.M. asks from Dallas

Does anyone know the age requirement for the kids club at 24 hour fitness? My 6 week post natal exam is this week and I am hoping to get the "ok" to work out again. I...