Pregnancy Books & Guides: 24 Hour

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28 answers

New Pregnancy and Just Diagnosed with Celiac Disease

I've learned two life-changing things this week. One, I'm expecting baby number three! Two, I have Celiac disease. From talking to my doctor (a Naturopath) and reading online, it sounds like there's a lot of risk involved with managing Celiac disease during pregnancy. If I screw up and have wheat, even in a small amount, my body will create antibodies that it could use against the fetus causing either a miscarriage or growth retardation. This has me freaked out...especially since I've been having wheat almost every day so far and though it...


Good Pregnancy Books

Hello. My Sister-in-law (hubby's bro's wife) just announced she is pregnant...

Websites & Resources

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22 answers

24 Hour a Day 7 Days a Week Morning Sickness

Any ideas on how to get through my all day long morning sickness. i'm only about a month along and i'm sick all the time or feel sick. with my first son i was sick for 9 months and i'm scared that's going to happen again. Any ideas on what may help?


Protein in the Urine

I seem to be having a rough time with this pregnancy, even though I feel...


Severe Sciatic Pain

I have a 6 week old son, and throughout the last 4 months of pregnancy I had...