Pets & Dander: Toddler, Xopenex

Results 51-60 from 79 articles


A.G. asks from Los Angeles

Six year old Granddaughter was diagnosed with asthma. According to the doctor she has no known allergies. She has never had any symptoms of asthma. Doctor wants to pu...


Could It Be Allergies or Asthma????

M. asks from Minneapolis

Hi, My 1 y.o has had a really bad cough for about 6 weeks now with a lot of wheezing. He will cough so hard he throws up. We've been to his ped. twice and he's rul...



E.M. asks from Tampa

So my son was on singular until his allegist told me about the conterversy that has been going on. I have read mixed things about singular, some say it is a wonder dr...


Seeking Mom to Give Advice!

B.N. asks from Boca Raton

I need advice on wheezing and coughing. my daughter is 8 months old. she had RSV and was in the hospital for it. she continues to cough and wheez. i took her to a...



V.B. asks from Beaumont

My son is a year and half. Nap time and bed time coughing starts up until he throws 4 or 5 times a night. Dr said nothing is really wrong with him. November through D...


Infant Asthma

S.B. asks from Washington DC

My almost 5 month old son has been wheezing for about a month now. Our pediatrician tried several meds but they didn't really help much, so he sent us to a pediatric...


Seeking Advice for My 2 Yr Old Diagnosed with Asthma

L.P. asks from New York

Hi Moms: I am hoping that there is a mom out there that can relate to what I am going through with my little boy. On his 2nd birthday (10/11) he started with a coug...


Chronic Coughing

D.L. asks from Modesto

I have a friend who has a 6 year old daughter that has a case of chronic coughing. When she gets active it increases. She has alot of excuse the term but "mucus" that...


Recently Diagnosed with Asthma

M.P. asks from Memphis

I am 35 (36 on the 11th) and I was diagnosed with asthma a year ago. It has been hard to find the right medication for me. Everything makes me sicker because it cla...


Seeking Pediatrician for Infant Breathing Issues and Snoring

B.D. asks from Dallas

My son has had a persistent cough and wheezing for the last 2 months. He's been treated with prednisone twice and once we get off of it, his problem comes back. Las...