I'm in the market for a great double stroller that doen't cost too much, is light weight, and folds compactly. There are some at babie's r us, but I'm not crazy abou...
Hi, Moms! I'm in the market for a double stroller. I have a 28-lb nearly-2 year old girl, and I'm expecting my second child around Christmas. I need a stroller that w...
My daughter will be 2 years, 3 months old when baby #2 is born. I'm not sure if I should get a double stroller or a sit-and-stand type stroller. I am leaning toward...
I am wondering about recommendations for a double stroller. I have a 2 year old that will be close to 3 when I have a second baby in October. She is petite and stil...
I am thinking about getting a double-stroller for trips to the zoo and daily walks to the park. I have a 3 yr old (just turned 3 last week) and a newborn on the way ...
I'm pregnant and have an 18mo old, so I'm in the market for a double stroller. DH seems to think a side-by-side one would be best, but it seems that might be difficul...
I'm expecting my second child in January and was wondering if a double stroller was worth the cost. My first will be almost 3 when the second baby comes. He...
AGGH! Too many conflicting pieces of information on all the potentials. Please, anyone who actually bought and used one, I'd love to know your experience. I am so ...
And I thought having the baby would be the hard part! I had an easier time picking my last car than a stroller! I am pregnant and overwhelmed! I want something that w...
Hi, we are due for our first in four months. I'm starting to research strollers & carseats before we register. Right now the top contenders are a couple of the Graco...