Pediatrician: Maalox

Results 21-30 from 335 articles

Reflux and Projectile Spit-up....HELP!

R.M. asks from Minneapolis

I'm torn whether or not to call my pediatrician again. At about 5 weeks, my daughter diagnosed with Reflux due to her crying when/after she ate and projectile vomitin...


8-Month-old Son Has Had Diarrhea for Almost 7 Weeks

L.S. asks from Chicago

I think the subject line pretty much says it all, but here is more background: On Aug. 24, I took my then 7-month-old son Michael to the ER with what turned out to...


Nystatin for Yeast Diaper Rash Making It Worse???

J.C. asks from Medford

My nine month old was diagnosed monday with a yeast diaper rash. She was prescribed nystatin cream to be applied four times daily. We started putting it on right aw...



C.J. asks from Los Angeles

Ever since our 9month old was four weeks old she had TERRIBLE colic. She was diagnosed with a severe case of acid reflux. She's been on Zantac, Reglan, Maalox, and no...


Diaper Rash

A.M. asks from Grand Forks

Ok, now this is the true reason I came on here. (see vomitting post if your confused) My son has been on amox for 1 week, he got dirahea from it, the ped said to kee...


Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease

J.V. asks from Austin

I took my son into see the doctor yesterday b/c he had blisters on his hands and mouth. Turns out he has hand, foot and mouth desease, and the doctor said he most lik...


Should I Give Prevacid or Zantac to My 5 Mos. Old Baby with Reflux?

O.G. asks from New York

My 5 month old baby girl was diagnosed with reflux several weeks after her birth. Her pediatrician prescribed 15 mg of prevacid a day. I have noticed improvement wi...


Bad Toddler Diaper Rash

L.N. asks from Dallas

My daughter has had the worse diaper rash off and on for over a month. I called the pediatrician and spoke to the nurse twice and do what she says, then it gets bette...


Acid Reflux

M.A. asks from Little Rock

My 3 month old has had a little bit of a stuffy nose since she was born. It comes and goes and sometimes it's worse than others. She started getting worse on Christ...


Need Advice on Yeast Infections Treatmeants for 11 Month Old

M.R. asks from Dallas

My daughter is on different medications right now and I believe they are causing for her to have a yeast infection. I noticed this morning that she is swollen, red, ...