I don't agree. I'm so surprised a ped would say this! It makes him sound very inexperienced. I believe it's the truth for some babies but certainly not all or most.
I'm STILL cutting my wisdom teeth. I only have one left. When it's cutting in, my whole mouth hurts. It's obvious it's my tooth. It's done it the same with my other wisdom teeth (I don't remember growing in any other molars). It aches a lot and my gums are quite sore as they separate. I absolutely know that teething hurts - at least in me. It makes eating more difficult and it's not fun. With the coping skills of a baby, I can see why they feel awful.
With my four, they have had varying degrees of reaction to teething. Bodies experience things differently than each other, so it only makes sense that it might hurt one a lot more than another. Plus personality differences, etc. My super easy going babies still get fussy, but they deal with it much better. My very spirited little girl deals with it horribly. She turns into a monster when she is teething and wants to rip everyone's head off. My other daughter just feels miserable, but she isn't mean.
I know it's teething because they aren't sick. It'll go away and come back and not run a course like a normal illness does. They sometimes run a fever and won't stop crying. If something touches the spot that is cutting a tooth, they scream and immediately pull away. They are very sensitive to anything touching that spot, including from nursing/bottle touching that area. It's not just a random guess that they are teething. There are very clear signs that that certain part of their mouth is hurting.
I've never heard a doctor say it was a myth. It makes me question his training, honestly, because it's such an easy thing to see and figure out. It makes me think of those women who have pain-free (or almost), medication free births and think that because they did it that everyone can do it. There is a *difference* in bodies. There is a difference in how labor feels or behave per woman and per birth within the same woman (or teething per child). Do you get what I mean? So silly! I do think he is right that *some* children teeth just fine. But it's obvious that it's not the case for all children and it is absolutely, 100% not a myth.
Plus, I'm teething right now (hehe!), and I know that it is not a myth.