Pediatrician: Huggies

Results 131-140 from 438 articles

For Nighttime Potty Training for a 4 Year Old Boy

A.B. asks from Madison

My son turned 4 in March. He was fully daytime potty trained when he was 2 1/2 years old, but still wears a pull-up at night. Almost every night he pees in the pull u...


3 Year Old Started Stuttering 2 Months Ago and Recently Started Blinking

S.M. asks from Macon

My son started stuttering and having long pauses as if he is trying to think the next word to say - this has been going on for about two months. In the past two weeks...


Calling All Parents of Bed Wetters.

D.D. asks from Pittsburgh

For parents of bed wetters how long did your child wet the bed? My child did not start wetting bed until he was in 1st grade. We have had him talk to a psychologists...


Need Help, I'm Desperate!!!

J.S. asks from Corpus Christi

My 11 month old baby developed a diaper rash about 2 weeks or go. This thing has gotten out of hand. She's been having loose bowels, about 4 or 5 a day, usually in th...


Anyone Else Have This Skin Issue with Your Child?

S.S. asks from Detroit

My son who is 3 has had a red area just is inside the crack of his hind end. It is right at the top (plumbers crack area). It sometimes actually has a crack in the sk...


Baby Acne?????

K.G. asks from Boca Raton

My son is almost 5 months old and started on Stage 1 fruits about 3 weeks ago. We started with pears, then peaches, bananas, applesauce and now we're onto sweet pota...


Red Bumpy Rash on Tummy and Back

R.F. asks from St. Cloud

Last week on Wednesday my son (14 months) got a few little bumps on his tummy (about the size of a goose bump). In the past few days the bumps have turned into a rash...


Holding #2 In

A.M. asks from Raleigh

My 2 1/2 year holds his poo in...there is no other way to put it. He will not let himself go the bathroom. We have been battling this for almost a year now. I have ta...


Bedwetting with Almost 6 Year Old - HELP!

C.G. asks from San Francisco

Hi mommies - My soon-to-be 6 year old son still wets the bed. He is a very sound sleeper and is hard to wake up. We have tried no drinks past 6, waking him up th...


Seeking Help with Eczema

J.Z. asks from Chicago

I have two children ages 1 and 2 that I believe have eczema. My daughter had it when she was a new born, but has gone away for almost two years until just a couple o...